Why using mindfulness in your wedding is effective
Using mindfulness in your wedding ceremony is one of many wedding ceremony ideas and tips that you can include in your wedding day plans. Firstly it´s a great way to help create the feeling of slowing the pace, although not literally. But it acts as a tool to enable you to hear, feel, see and enjoy the different moments. Often couples tell me afterwards how quickly their ceremony went, so, I try to ground them before we start their ceremony using mindfulness to focus them. As a matter of fact, using mindfulness in your wedding is an excellent way to combat this.
I like to ground my couples before I start officiating their ceremony, inviting them to use mindfulness in their wedding ceremony, by being present during these precious moments they are about to share, and, giving them permission to feel how they feel…
Marcia Bravo Celebrant in malaga
Mindfulness breathing techniques in your wedding
Incorporate mindfulness in your wedding ceremony, using breathing techniques to help you appreciate the important moments, from getting ready for your ceremony, in addition to the emotional point when you are waiting in the wings to make your entrance or are waiting for your partner to join you. Moreover practising mindfulness throughout your ceremony, can help you focus on what´s significant and less on imperfections and things you are unable to control. Therefore allowing you to manage wedding day anxieties, appreciating all the details, making your ceremony unforgettable.
Before moving further into the flow of the ceremony, your celebrant can invite everyone to join in by facilitating a mindfulness technique, to help everyone be present and in the moment as you make your commitments to each other, in this special and peaceful space.
“The 3-2-1 technique adapted from Battistin, J. M. (2016, April 6). 5,4,3,2,1 method to reduce anxiety. is a quick way to bring yourself into the present moment and a simple but effective method of introducing mindfulness in your wedding ceremony.
“First, I´d like you to notice three things you can see around you”.
“Then, notice two things you can physically feel”(like your feet on the ground or the temperature of the air).
“Finally, notice one thing you can hear”.
Thank you everyone and welcome to our present…
Incorporate mindfulness throughout the ceremony
Using mindfulness in your wedding ceremony, doesn´t only have to be a note at the beginning of the ceremony. Utilizing it throughout helps both you as a couple and guests to stay focused. Equally, its allows you to actively listen, observe and resonate with what´s being said, shown or shared, making the most of these timeless moments.
Incorporating mindfulness in your wedding ceremony encourages, your family and guests to enjoy listening to your journey, witness fully key moments I.e. your commitments, vows and ring exchange. It´s also a relaxing and fun way to make the ceremony more lighthearted, in order to allow everyone to appreciate the experience. After all this is one of the reasons you have invited them, right.
Allow yourselves to listen to the sounds around you, sounds of stillness, water, voices, animals even. Notice the warmth of the sun on the side of your face, or the breeze as it cools or pushes you. Feel what´s beneath your feet, solid ground, supporting you to feel secure and safe. Feel the warmth of your partners hand in yours…
Creating mindful spaces at your wedding
Your wedding is usually a long day, if not a weekend of celebrating your love. As, such it´s important to continue including mindfulness practices in your ceremony. Create spaces where you can both go during the ceremony and celebrations to relax. Make it a space where you can reconnect with each other, regroup and breathe before heading back to the excitement. However, do bear your guests in mind too and create spaces where those who need to can take time out too, to breathe and be still during the day.
Include mindfulness in your vows to each other

If you´re a couple that practices mindfulness in your lives, why not include some elements of mindfulness in your ceremony in your personal vows to each other for example. “Do you promise to make time in between the hectic moments of life to connect with each other” for instance. Think of specific promises you want to build into your relationship as you grow into your marriage together.
Close the ceremony with a touch of mindfulness
Using mindfulness in your ceremony at the close of the ceremony, is a powerful way to bring everyone back to the present to show their joy for the couple. Your celebrant can include a similar short technique to that at the start of your ceremony. The purpose being of focusing guests before you are presented as a couple and make your wedding exit. At the same time helping to prepare everyone for the next sequence of the celebrations.
To sum up
In summary, using mindfulness in your wedding ceremony can transform the experience of nerves into a relaxed celebration. In addition, making an already special day into a truly unforgettable experience, whilst ensuring that you and your partner are fully present to savour every moment. From mindful I do´s to deep breaths before the vows. Who knew that focusing on your breath could keep you from hyperventilating during vows? Incorporating these small practices can make a big difference. So why not give it a try? Embrace the calm between the chaos and let mindfulness guide you through the beautiful experience called marriage. By embracing mindfulness, you’ll not only treasure each moment but also create memories that last a lifetime.
Are you planning a wedding or elopement in Southern Spain, using mindfulness in your wedding in 2025 or 2026, I´d love to hear your story?
Ready to make your special day even more memorable? Get in touch today, so we can start planning your special day.
I can´t wait to meet you.
M xxx
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
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